发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2018 The complete mitochondrial genome and phylogeny of Geospiza magnirostris (Passeriformes: Thraupidae) Conservation genetics resources Wu Liang, Zhao Yunlin, Xu Zhenggang, Huang Tian, Zhou Libo, Liu Shiquan SCI
2018 Ternary assembly of g-C3N4/graphene oxide sheets /BiFeO3 heterojunction with enhanced photoreduction of Cr(VI) under visible-light irradiation Chemosphere Xinjiang Hu, Weixuan Wang, Guangyu Xie, Hui Wang, Xiaofei Tan, Qi Jin, Daixi Zhou, Yunlin Zhao SCI
2018 Biosorption Characteristics of Mn (II) by Bacillus cereus Strain HM-5 Isolated from Soil Contaminated by Manganese Ore Polish journal of environmental studies Xu Zhenggang, Ding Yi, Huang Huimin, Wu Liang, Zhao Yunlin, Yang Guiyan SCI
2018 The walnut JrVHAG1 gene is involved in cadmium stress response through ABA-signal pathway and MYB transcription regulation BMC plant biology Zhenggang Xu, Yu Ge, Wan Zhang, Yunlin Zhao, Guiyan Yang SCI
2018 Characterization and phylogenetic analysis of the chloroplast genome of Lupinus westianus, a endemic species to Florida, United States Conservation genetics resources Zhenggang Xu, Yunlin Zhao, Meng Dong, Chaojie Dong, Yun Xue, Guiyan Yang SCI
2018 Opportunistic Market‐Driven Regional Shifts of Cropping Practices Reduce Food Production Capacity of China Earth's future Wenping Yuan, Shuguang Liu, Wei Liu, Shuqing Zhao, Wenjie Dong, Fulu Tao Min Chen, Hui Lin SCI
2018 The walnut transcription factor JrGRAS2 contributes to high temperature stress tolerance involving in Dof transcriptional regulation and HSP protein expression. BMC plant biology Guiyan Yang, Xiangqian Gao, Kaiheng Ma, Dapei Li, Caixia Jia, Meizhi Zhai, Zhenggang Xu SCI
2018 Synergistic Succession of the Small Mammal Community and Herbaceous Vegetation after Reconverting Farmland to Seasonally Flooded Wetlands in the Dongting Lake Region, China Mammal study Meiwen Zhang, Yong Wang, Bo Li, Zhiyong Feng, Yunlin Zhao, Zhenggang Xu SCI
2018 Contemporary Evolution and Scaling of 32 Major Cities in China Ecological applications shuqing zhao,Shuguang Liu, Chunxue Xu, Wenping Yuan, Yan Sun, Wende Yan, Meifang Zhao, Geoffrey M. Henebry, Jingyun Fang SCI
2018 林业院校本科毕业论文质量下滑的原因分析及其改革 大学教育 何含杰,闫文德,何功秀,陈丽莉 国内其他刊物
2018 稻田土壤有机碳矿化及其激发效应对磷添加的响应 应用生态学报 唐美玲,魏亮,祝贞科,李欢,周萍,葛体达,吴金水,王光军 CSCD
2018 广西猫儿山国家级自然保护区森林生态系统生态服务价值评估 桂林理工大学学报 王海伦,王金叶,闫文德,秦丽玲,王绍能 CSCD
2018 2 种城市绿化树种根系分泌物对芘胁迫的响应 中南林业科技大学学报 章帆,闫文德,王姣龙,李际平 CSCD
2018 H3PO4-Activated Cattail Carbon Production and Application in Chromium Removal from Aqueous Solution: Process Optimization and Removal Mechanism Water Yan Shu, Chunfang Tang, Xinjiang Hu, Luhua Jiang, Xi Hu, Yunlin Zhao SCI
2018 亚热带森林土壤磷有效性及其影响因素的研究进展 中南林业科技大学学报 方 晰,陈金磊,王留芳,李胜蓝,项文化,雷丕锋 CSCD
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