发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2020 Stability in subtropical forests: The role of tree species diversity, stand structure, environmental and socio-economic conditions Global Ecology and Biogeography Shuai Ouyang, Wenhua Xiang, Mengmeng Gou, Liang Chen, Pifeng Lei, Wenfa Xiao, Xiangwen Deng, Lixiong Zeng, Jiangrong Li, Tao Zhang, Changhui Peng, David I. Forrester SCI
2020 Species richness and functional-trait effects on fine root biomass along a subtropical tree diversity gradient Plant and Soil W Zeng, W Xiang, J Fang, B Zhou, OJ Valverde-Barrantes SCI
2020 Evaluation of Biomass and Carbon Stocks in Three Pine Forest Types in Karst Area of Southwestern China Journal of Sustainable Forestry Yan W, Wang W, Peng Y, Chen X SCI
2020 Response of soil respiration to nitrogen addition in two subtropical forest types Pedosphere Yan W, Xiaoyong Chen, Yuanying Peng, Fan Zhu, Wei Zhen, Xuyuan Zhang SCI
2020 The soil properties and their effects on plant diversity in different degrees of rocky desertification Science of The Total Environment Tianshu Ma, Xiangwen Deng, Liang Chen, Wenhua Xiang SCI
2020 Increase of soil nitrogen availability and recycling with stand age of Chinese-fir plantations Forest Ecology and Management Qi Xia, Liang Chen, Wenhua Xiang, Shuai Ouyang, Huili Wu, Pifeng Lei, Wenfa Xiao, Shenggong Li, Lixiong Zeng, Yakov Kuzyakova SCI
2020 Mapping co-benefits for carbon storage and biodiversity to inform conservation policy and action Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B C Soto-Navarro, C Ravilious, A Arnell, X de Lamo, M Harfoot, S L L Hill, O R Wearn, M Santoro, A Bouvet, S Mermoz, T Le Toan, J Xia, S Liu, W Yuan, S A Spawn, H K Gibbs, S Ferrier, T Harwood, R Alkemade, A M Schipper, G Schmidt-Traub, B Strassburg, L Miles, N D Burgess, V Kapos SCI
2020 Soil organic matter, nitrogen and pH driven change in bacterial community following forest conversion Forest Ecology and Management Ting Liu, Xiaohong Wu, Huangwei Li, Hattan Alharbi, Jun Wang, Peng Dang, Xiaoyong Chen, Yakov Kuzyakova, Wende Yan SCI
2020 Effects of tree species richness on fine root production varied with stand density and soil nutrients in subtropical forests Science of The Total Environment Weixian Zeng, Wenhua Xiang, Bo Zhou, Shuai Ouyang, Yelin Zeng, Liang Chen, Lijuan Zhao,Oscar J.Valverde-Barrantesc SCI
2020 Microorganism structure variation in urban soil microenvironment upon ZnO nanoparticles contamination Chemosphere Shi Y, Xiao Y, Li Z, Zhang X, Liu T, Li Y, Yan W SCI
2020 Hydrological fluxes of dissolved organic carbon and total dissolved nitrogen in subtropical forests at three restoration stages in southern China Journal of Hydrology Yuyu You, Wenhua Xiang, Shuai Ouyang, Zhonghui Zhao, Liang Chen, Yelin Zeng, Pifeng Lei, Xiangwen Deng, Jiurong Wang, Keling Wang SCI
2020 Positive tree diversity effect on fine root biomass- via density dependence rather than spatial root partitioning Oikos W Zeng, W Xiang, B Zhou, S Ouyang, Y Zeng, L Chen, GT Freschet, OJ Valverde‐Barrantes, A Milc SCI
2020 Calorific value variations in each component and biomassbased energy accumulation of red-heart Chinese fir plantations at different ages Biomass and Bioenergy C Wang, X Deng, W Xiang, W Yan SCI
2020 Tree growth rate and soil nutrient status determine the shift in nutrient-use strategy of Chinese fir plantations along a chronosequence Forest Ecology and Management Huili Wu, Wenhua Xiang, Shuai Ouyang, Wenfa Xiao, Shenggong Li, Liang Chen, Pifeng Lei, Xiangwen Deng, Yelin Zeng, Lixiong Zeng, Changhui Peng SCI
2019 亚热带区 4 种林地土壤微生物生物量碳氮磷及酶活性特征 生态学报 张雅茜, 方晰, 冼应男, 王振鹏 国内其他刊物
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