发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2020 Atmospheric Wet Deposition of Organic Carbon and Dissolved Nitrogen in City, Countryside and Nature Reserve of Subtropical China Journal of the American Water Resources Association Wenbo Zhou, Wenhua Xiang, Yuyu You, Shuai Ouyang, Zhonghui Zhao, Shengli Zhang, Yelin Zeng, Jiangrong Li, Jiurong Wang, Kelin Wang SCI
2020 Regional scale temperature rather than precipitation determines vessel features in earlywood of Manchurian ash in temperate forests Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences L Zhu, D J Cooper, D Yuan, Z Li, Y Zhang, H Liang, X Wang SCI
2020 Morphological and Physiological Changes of Broussonetia papyrifera Seedlings in Cadmium Contaminated Soil Plants W Zhang, Y Zhao, Z Xu, H Huang, J Zhou, G Yang SCI
2020 亚热带不同植被恢复林地凋落物层碳、氮、磷化学计量特征 中南林业科技大学学报 杜雨潭,陈金磊,李雷达,辜翔,刘兆丹,苏元博,方晰 国内其他刊物
2020 控水条件下侧柏冠层气孔导度对土壤水的响应 应用生态学报 颜成正,郑文革,贾剑波,闫文德,王忠诚,贾国栋 国内其他刊物
2020 城市水体对热岛的缓冲性能沿河岸距离的变化规律 生态学报 曾素平,时琢,赵梅芳,刘发林,王光军,林杨,李沁园,向枝远,陈小伟,U.S Ogbodo 国内其他刊物
2020 节水灌溉措施下湘东北丘陵林-稻汇水区复合系统铅的迁移 环境科学学报 王小丽,陈建国,杨爱爱,郭卉 国内其他刊物
2020 The Vertical Differences in the Change Rates and Controlling Factors of Soil Organic Carbon and Total Nitrogen along Vegetation Restoration in a Subtropical Area of China Sustainability Z Cao, X Fang, W Xiang, P Lei, C Peng SCI
2020 Soil-plant costimulation during forest vegetation restoration in a subtropical area of southern China Forest Ecosystems Chen C, Fang X, Xiang W, Lei P, Ouyang S, Kuzyakov Y SCI
2020 Tight coupling of fungal community composition with soil quality in a Chinese fir plantation chronosequence Land Degradation & Development Liang Chen, Wenhua Xiang, Shuai Ouyang, Huili Wu, Qi Xia, Jiani Ma, Yelin Zeng, Pifeng Lei, Wenfa Xiao, Shenggong Li, Yakov Kuzyakov SCI
2020 Exploring Wetland Dynamics in Large River Flood plain Systems with Unsupervised Machine Learning: A Case Study of the Dongting Lake, China Remote Sensing Jing L, Zhou Y, Zeng Q, Liu S, Wen L SCI
2020 Critical land change information enhances the understanding of carbon balance in the United States Global Change Biology Liu Jinxun, leeter Benjamin M, Zhu Zhiliang, Loveland Thomas R, Sohl Terry, Howard Stephen M, Key Carl H, Hawbaker Todd, Liu Shuguang, Reed Bradley, Cochrane Mark A, Heath Linda S, Jiang Hong, Price David T, Chen Jing M, Zhou Decheng, Bliss Norman B, Wilson Tamara, Sherba Jason, Zhu Qiuan, Luo Yiqi, Poulter Benjamin SCI
2020 Decoupling the Complementarity Effect and the Selection Effect on the Overyielding of Fine Root Production Along a Tree Species Richness Gradient in Subtropical Forests Ecosystems Liu C, Xiangwen Deng, Xie B, Ouyang S, Zeng Y, Lei P, Peng C SCI
2020 Co-Evolution of Emerging Multi-Cities: Rates, Patterns and Driving Policies Revealed by Continuous Change Detection and Classification of Landsat Data Remote Sensing Liu M, Liu S, Ning Y, Zhu Y,Valbuena R, Guo R, Li Y, Tang W, Mo D, Rosa I.M, Kutia M, Hu W SCI
2020 Regional-Scale Forest Mapping over Fragmented Landscapes Using Global Forest Products and Landsat Time Series Classification Remote Sensing Viktor Myroniuk, Mykola Kutia, Arbi J Sarkissian, Andrii Bilous, Shuguang Liu SCI
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