发表年度 论文题目 刊物全称 论文作者 刊物类别 操作
2017 Irrigation management and phosphorus addition alter the abundance of carbon dioxide-fixing autotrophs in phosphorus-limited paddy soil FEMS Microbiology Ecology Xiaohong Wu,Tida Ge,Wende Yan,Juan Zhou,Xiaomeng Wei,Liang Chen,Xiangbi Chen,Paolo Nannipieri,Jinshui Wu SCI
2017 湖南莽山4 种林型甲烷通量及其影响因子 中南林业科技大学学报 张 强,沈 燕,韩天宇,勾蒙蒙 CSCD
2017 湖南省2014 年森林植被碳储量、碳密度及其区域空间分布格局 中南林业科技大学学报 李雷达,方 晰,李 斌,刘兆丹 CSCD
2017 亚热带甜槠天然林生物量研究 湖南林业科技 沈欣承,刘益君,任晓军 CSCD
2017 叶绿素荧光动力学技术在胁迫环境下的研究进展 广西林业科学 胡丰姣,黄鑫浩,朱凡,邹志刚,刘俊文,郑芬 CSCD
2017 极小种群海南风吹楠种群的数量特征及动态 中南林业科技大学学报 蒋迎红,项文化,何应会,蒋 燚,林建勇,黄荣林 CSCD
2017 污染土壤重金属形态分析及其影响因素研究进展 生态科学 曹勤英,黄志宏 CSCD
2017 芘胁迫下紫玉兰根系活性及根系分泌物的响应 中南林业科技大学学报 王姣龙,李际平,谌小勇,闫文德,梁小翠, 章帆 CSCD
2017 Inter-annual variation in methane emissions from tropical wetlands triggered by repeated El Nino southern oscillation Global Change Biology Qiuan Zhu, Changhui Peng, Philippe Ciais, Hong Jiang, Jinxun Liu, Philippe Bousquet, Shiqing Li, Jie Chang, Xiuqin Fang, Xiaolu Zhou, Huai Chen, Shirong Liu, Guanghui Lin, Peng Gong, Meng Wang, Wenhua Xiang, Jing Chen SCI
2017 Measurement of belowground diversity of fine roots in subtropical forests based on a quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) method Plant and Soil 曾渭贤,项文化,周波,雷丕锋,曾叶霖 SCI
2017 Tree functional types simplify forest carbon stock estimates induced by carbon concentration variations among species in a subtropical area Scientific Reports 吴慧俐,项文化,方晰,雷丕锋,欧阳帅,邓湘雯 SCI
2017 Tree growth traits and social status affect the wood density of pioneer species in secondary subtropical forest Ecology and Evolution 陈玲秀,项文化,吴慧俐,雷丕锋,欧阳帅,邓湘雯,方晰 SCI
2017 Allometric Equations for Applying Plot Inventory and Remote Sensing Data to Assess Coarse Root Biomass Energy in Subtropical Forests Bioenergy research 勾蒙蒙,项文化,宋同清,张胜利,雷丕锋,欧阳帅,曾叶霖,王克林 SCI
2017 Net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity as affected by different water management strategies in Chinese double rice-cropping systems Scientific Reports Xiaohong Wu,Wei Wang,Xiaoli Xie,Chunmei Yin,Haijun Hou,Wende Yan,Guangjun Wang SCI
2017 Mapping Forest Ecosystem Biomass Density for Xiangjiang River Basin by Combining Plot and Remote Sensing Data and Comparing Spatial Extrapolation Methods Remote Sensing Jia Zhu,Zhihong Huang,Hua Sun,Guangxing Wang CSCD
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